Manual Testing is a type of Software Testing where Testers manually test the software application. Manual Testing is the most primitive of all testing types and helps find bugs in the software syst...

Next Batch Starts on Nov 27th

Engr: A.K Abdul Kader

Manual Testing is a type of Software Testing where Testers manually test the software application. Manual Testing is the most primitive of all testing types and helps find bugs in the software system. JIRA is an issue management tool and it helps to facilitate the testing process and to manage various types of issues in the software development process. Manual Testing does not require knowledge of any testing tool.

Testing with SQL is also known as Database Testing. The data entered in the front end will be stored in the back-end database. The database may be Oracle, PostgreSQL, etc. The data will be organized in the tables as a record, and it is used to support the content of the page. Database or backend testing is important because if it is not done it has some serious complications like deadlock, data corruption, data loss, etc.

Application Programming Interface (API) enables communication and data exchange between two separate software systems an example is a front end and the backend database. API Testing is a software testing type that validates APIs. The purpose of API Testing is to check the functionality, reliability, performance, and security of the programming interfaces.

Automation Testing means using an automation tool to test the software application. On the contrary, Manual Testing is performed by a human sitting in front of a computer carefully executing the test steps. Selenium is an open-source automation tool that is currently most used all over the world and it supports various programming languages such as Java, Python, C#, Ruby, etc.

Course Curriculum

> Computer Fundamentals:

Computer Architecture including hardware and software
Operating Systems Basics (Windows, macOS)
Managing files in different Operating Systems
Remote Desktop, Internet, VPN, Proxy Server
Video Conferencing Tool such as Zoom
Office Communication Tool such as Slack

> Google Suite/Microsoft (MS) Office:

Google Docs/MS Word, Google Sheets/MS Excel
Google Slides /MS PowerPoint, Gmail/MS Outlook

> Networking and Customer Service:

Networking Concepts, IP Addressing, DHCP
Networking Commands such as ipconfig, ping, nslookup
Linux Operating System Basics and Installation Guide
Linux Commands such as pwd, mkdir, touch
Customer Service Principles, Problem Solving, Effective Communication
CRM software such as HubSpot, JIRA

Software Testing and SDLC:
What is Software? Discussion on the importance of Software in our daily life.
What is Software Testing? What are the principles of Software Testing?
Software Testing Trends and Future Perspective.
Introduction to SDLC(Software Development Lifecycle). Discussion on the different phases of SDLC
Planning & Requirement Analysis
Defining Requirements
Designing the product
Building or Developing the product
Deployment & Maintenance
Why testing is a crucial part of SDLC?

Various kind of Testing:
Discussion of various kinds of Software Testing.
Dynamic Testing
Static Testing
Smoke Testing
Functional Testing
Regression Testing
Back End Testing
Black Box Testing
White Box Testing
Integration Testing
System Testing
User Acceptance Testing
Performance Testing
Security Testing
SDLC Models:
Discussion on SDLC Models (Waterfall Methodology and Agile Methodology).
Waterfall model Design
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Waterfall model
Agile model Design
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Agile model
Introduction to Agile Scrum process.
Test Case and Defect Management:
What is the Requirement? How to write a Requirement in an excel spreadsheet?
What is User Story? How to write a User Story in an excel spreadsheet?
What is a Test Case? How to write a Test case in an excel spreadsheet?
What is RTM (Requirement Traceability Matrix)?
Introduction to Defect management and Bugs Report. Introduction to Defect Life Cycle.
JIRA Issue Management Tool:
Introduction to JIRA issue management tool and Zephyr test management tool. The following activities are going to perform inside the tool –
Create an epic
Create a user story
Create a test case
Create a sprint
Moving items from the product backlog to the sprint backlog
Start a sprint
The transition of a JIRA ticket in an active sprint
Create a test cycle
Execution of test case
Create a defect
Exam (Written and Practical)
Oral presentation test

What is Database?
Types of Databases
Relational databases
Object-oriented databases
Distributed databases
Data warehouse
NoSQL databases
Graph databases
OLTP databases
Latest Database Technology Model
Open-source databases
Cloud databases
Multimodel database
Document/JSON database
What is Database Management System?
What is SQL?
Types of SQL
Data Definition Language (DDL)
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
What are the data types in SQL?
Database Management tool – PostgreSQL
SQL Practical
Create Database
Connect to the Database
Create table
Primary keys
Insert value into the table
Select value from the table
Aggregate functions
Order By
Inner Join
Equi Join
Left Outer Join
Right Outer Join
Alter Table’s Column
Update Table’s Record
SQL Constraints
Group By
Like Operator
Between Operator
In Operator
Difference between Union and Intersection
Exam (Written & Practical)

What is API Testing?
Importance of API Testing.
What is the REST protocol?
CRUD HTTP methods.
Installation and usages of API Testing tool Postman
Create Environment
Create Variable
Create GET Request and Validate Response
Create POST Request and Validate Response
Create PUT Request and Validate Response
Create PATCH Request and Validate Response
Create DELETE Request and Validate Response
Observe Live API call on a webpage.
What is API Documentation?
Develop Mock REST API using JSON Server
Installation of VS Code IDE
Installation of Node Js
Installation of JSON Server using npm
Generate API endpoints using JSON Server
Exam (Written & Practical)

What is OOP?
What is a Class?
What is an Object?
What are the 4 OOP Principles?
Create a Java project in IntelliJ
Create a Java package
Create a Java class
Write the first java program to display “Hello World”
Data Types in Java
What is the method? What are the types of methods in Java?
What is a variable in Java? Variable scopes in Java.
What are the method parameters and method arguments?
Access modifier in Java

Operators in Java
Loops in Java
Arrays in Java
Split Method in Array
List in Java
Convert Array to List
Convert List to Array
Conditional Statements in Java
If Statement
If Else Statement
Nested If Statement
Switch Statement

Conditional Operators in Java
String Methods
Hash Maps in Java
Read data from the terminal in Java
Constructors in Java
Recursions in Java
Exceptions in Java
this keyword in Java
Inheritance in Java
Polymorphism in Java
Encapsulation in Java
Abstraction in Java
Interface in Java
Enum in Java

Test Automation:
What is Test Automation?
Importance of Test Automation.
Which Test Cases to Automate?
Describe the Test Automation Process.
Criteria to select the automation tool.
What is Selenium?
Describe Selenium Components.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Selenium.
What is Maven?
Add required dependency into the pom.xml file.
Describe some popular testing frameworks in java.
Create a first automation script to validate a website title.
Discussion on selenium locators.
Automate a simple website using different locators.
Optimize the code using the “By” selenium class.
Wait time in Selenium
Difference between quite() and close()
Automation Framework using Page Object Model:
What is the Test Automation Framework?
What is the Page Object Model?
Develop a Test Automation Framework using the Page Object Model.
Execute automation test using testng.xml.
Usage of Logger (Log4j) in Java.
Data-Driven Testing using Database:
Established a JDBC connection between the PostgreSQL and Automation Scripts
Store all the required input data inside the database
Discussion on Data Parameterizations.
Execute automation test using the data-driven from Database.
GitHub source control/version control tool:
What is Git?
What is GitHub?
Usages of Git Client tool – Girkraken.
Create a GitHub Repository.
Cloning a GitHub Repository.
Committing work in GitHub.
Push the work in GitHub.
Setting up Branch Rules in GitHub
Creating a local private branch
Staged the work into the private branch
Push the local private brunch into Origin
Create a Pull Request
Merge Pull Request
Delete private branch from Origin
Update local master branch
Delete local private branch
Rest Assured:
What is Rest Assured?
Configure Rest Assured with Java Project.
Automate API tests using Rest Assured.
Validate the Response Code.
Validate Response Body.
BDD framework using Cucumber:
Create a new maven project
Add maven dependencies (Cucumber Java, Cucumber Junit, Junit, Selenium Java, Webdriver manager)
Create a folder Features under src/test/resources (All feature file should be located)
Add gherkin extension in the IDE
Create feature file and add contents
Explain Gherkin Syntax in the feature file.
Run the feature file and observe the error
Add step definitions under src/test/java package
Create a runner class.
Add cucumber options for generating reports
Verify test results
CI/CD using Jenkins:
Discussion on Deployment Environments
Build and Deployment Workflow
What is Jenkins?
Download and Configure Jenkins.
Installed all the required plugins in Jenkins.
Create a job to execute automation test
Pulling code from GitHub and Execute from Jenkins
Analyzing the test execution results.
Selenium Grid:
What is Selenium Grid?
What is Docker?
Installation of Docker
Create docker file for Selenium Grid
Execute test in docker in a different browser like Chrome, Firefox
What is Makefile?
Install Makefile in Windows
Create Makefile
Execute test from Makefile
Amazon Web Services(AWS):
Creation of AWS Free Tier account
Creation of EC2 instance
Installation of required software inside EC2 instance
Configure Jenkins inside EC2 instance
Configure Selenium Grid using docker inside EC2 instance
Execute automation tests inside EC2 instance in a distributed cloud environment
Mobile Automation:
Installation of Appium Server Desktop Client and CLI in Mac and Windows platform
Installation of Android Studio in Mac and Windows platform
Creation of Android Emulator for mobile automation
Usages of Appium Inspector
Overview of Desired Capabilities and start a driver session using Appium Inspector
Start a driver session programmatically using Appium Java client
Develop a mobile automation framework using BDD cucumber

Course Videos


Automation testing or Test Automation is a process of automating the manual process to test the application/system under test. Automation testing involves the use of a separate testing tool which lets you create test scripts which can be executed repeatedly and doesn’t require any manual intervention.

Benefits of Automation testing are:

Supports execution of repeated test cases
Aids in testing a large test matrix
Enables parallel execution
Encourages unattended execution
Improves accuracy thereby reducing human-generated errors
Saves time and money


is a free and open source
have a large user base and helping communities
have cross Browser compatibility (Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari etc.)
have great platform compatibility (Windows, Mac OS, Linux etc.)
supports multiple programming languages (Java, C#, Ruby, Python, Pearl etc.)
has fresh and regular repository developments
supports distributed testing

Selenium is one of the most popular automated testing suites. Selenium is designed in a way to support and encourage automation testing of functional aspects of web-based applications and a wide range of browsers and platforms. Due to its existence in the open source community, it has become one of the most accepted tools amongst the testing professionals.

Selenium is not just a single tool or a utility, rather a package of several testing tools and for the same reason, it is referred to as a Suite. Each of these tools is designed to cater different testing and test environment requirements.

Selenium supports the following types of testing:

Functional Testing
Regression Testing

Following are the limitations of Selenium:

Selenium supports testing of only web-based applications
Mobile applications cannot be tested using Selenium
Captcha and Barcode readers cannot be tested using Selenium
Reports can only be generated using third-party tools like TestNG or JUnit.
As Selenium is a free tool, thus there is no ready vendor support through the user can find numerous helping communities.
The user is expected to possess prior programming language knowledge.

Selenium supports testing of only web-based applications
Mobile applications cannot be tested using Selenium
Captcha and Barcode readers cannot be tested using Selenium
Reports can only be generated using third-party tools like TestNG or JUnit.
As Selenium is a free tool, thus there is no ready vendor support through the user can find numerous helping communities.

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Hours Required

48 Hours

1 video




Nov 27th Sat & Sun (6 Weeks) Time-09:00am to 11:30am
Jan 20th Sat & Sun (6 Weeks) Time-09:00am to 11:30am
Feb 25th Sat & Sun (6 Weeks) Time-09:00am to 11:30am


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Course Schedule

  • Regular Class: Sunday & Monday, 10am – 2pm
  • Review Class: Thursday, 9am-10am




Week 1 (8 Hours)

2021-09-04   (Sat)

2021-09-05   (Sun)

MODULE 1: Basic Computing

Week 2 (8 Hours)

2021-09-08   (Wed)

2021-09-15   (Wed)

MODULE 2: Manual Testing

Week 3 (8 Hours)

2021-09-09   (Thu)

2021-09-10   (Fri)

MODULE 3: Database Testing

Week 4 (8 Hours)

2021-09-15   (Wed)

2021-09-20   (Mon)

MODULE 4: API Testing

Week 5 (8 Hours)

2021-09-23   (Thu)

2021-09-29   (Wed)

MODULE 5: Core Java

Week 6 (8 Hours)

2021-09-15   (Wed)

2021-09-15   (Wed)

MODULE 6: Automation Testing
